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Ben's Cycles Denver

Look KG361

Regular price
$631.00 CAD
Regular price
Sale price
$631.00 CAD

This bike looks and feels FAST! It weights a little over 5lbs and thats with a headset, steam, bottom bracket, and post. This frame is in good condition but shows sign of use. There are some paint chips and scratches here and there, but nothing substantial. The King headset was cleaned and regreased, but it still has some stick when the steering is fully locked to the left. The Shimano bottom bracket was not removed but feels fine - could use a rebuild as I'm not sure when the last time that was done. This will be a sweet build for someone! Get this monster back on the road!!!


Seat tube (ctt) - 57cm

Top tube (ctc) - 56cm

Wheelbase - 100cm

Front spacing - 100mm

Rear spacing - 130mm

Weight ~ 5lbs